Euretos introduces target evaluation in single-cell expression data

One of the key aspects of drug discovery that the Euretos AI Platform enables is target evaluation. We have recently introduced the “Single-cell study viewer” workflow that allows cancer researchers to evaluate targets in the context of single-cell expression data. 

This new workflow enables researchers to evaluate their targets of interest in single-cell expression data from primary tumor samples. Currently, our platform provides five high-quality datasets from seven tumor indications - including pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and oesophageal cancer.

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Data from original studies have been uniformly processed and presented in an intuitive manner, enabling researchers to study expression of their potential target genes across different cell types, individuals, and/or cancer types.

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Ongoing development includes the addition of more datasets and tumor types as well as direct access to the cell type markers that have been used for each dataset to perform cell type calling. 

The single cell study viewer is available upon request for Platform users.

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